Triuir (Triplets)
The Campbell sisters are the best known triplets in the Hebrides. Behind the incredible story of their dramatic birth lies a tale of loss and separation amid laughter and tears.
'S e na peathraichean Caimbeul na triplets is aithnichte anns na h-Eileanan an Iar. Ach, falaichte am broinn an sgeulachd do chreidsinneach air am breith agus a' coinneachadh ris a' Bhanrigh tha eachdraidh fhada air call agus sgaradh, air cruadal agus bochdainn, air fhighe a steach am measg mòran ghà ireachdaich agus deòir.
Ag èirigh suas anns na h-Uibhistean, bha am beatha air leth aca na chuspair air an deach mòran sgrùdadh, a' tòiseachadh le à m am breith, air an robh fèill mhòr anns na meadhanan, gu là ithean sgoile, obair, pòsadh agus clann. A nis, an iomas an dreuchdan a' leigeil dhiubh agus air bochdainn, sgaradh, dòrainn-teaghlaich agus call fhulang, tha cothrom ann, leis an tè is òige Theresa a'
tilleadh dhan eilean, gum faigh iad an rud a bha iad riamh ag iarraidh - a bhith còmhla.
The Campbell sisters are the best known triplets in the Hebrides. But behind the incredible story of their dramatic birth and meeting the Queen, lies a tale of loss and separation, hardship and poverty, amid much laughter and tears.
Growing up on the island of Uist, their unique lives have been the subject of great scrutiny, starting with their well-documented birth, through their school days, work life, marriage and children. Now, on the eve of retirement, having experienced poverty, separation, family tragedy and loss, the return of the youngest Theresa to the island gives them the chance to finally get what they have always longed for - the opportunity to be together.
Last on
Tha na peathraichean a’ tighinn còmhla
Duration: 01:49
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- Sun 18 Dec 2011 21:00
- Fri 16 Nov 2012 21:00
- Sun 18 Nov 2012 22:00
- Fri 15 Aug 2014 19:55
- Sun 17 Aug 2014 23:00