Tha mi Leumadaich (I'm Bouncing)
Igam Ogam finds herself in a bouncing sort of mood from the minute she wakes up and wants to spend the day jumping and bouncing.
Ann an sunnd a bhith leumadaich on mhionaid a dhuisgeas i, tha Igam Ogam a' coimhead airson cothroman leum anns gach aite. A' toirt air Rolag a bhitgh ga leantainn tha an dithis a' lorg deideagan sonraichte a leigeas leotha leum ard dha na speuran. Tha cuisean buileach a dol le Rolag ge-ta 's e a' leum ro ard 's ga fhaighinn fhein air a' ghealaich gun doigh fhaighinn sios. Gu fortanach, tha Igam Ogam a' cleachdadh an deideag aicese airson Rolag bochd a shabhaladh.
Igam Ogam finds herself in a bouncing sort of mood from the minute she wakes up. She wants to spend the day jumping and bouncing. Encouraging Rolag to join the bouncing fun, the pair find space-hopper toys that allow them to jump high in the sky. However things go awry when poor Rolag jumps too high and finds himself stranded on the moon. Igam Ogam is able to put her space hopper to good use and rescue Rolag.