A-rithist (Again)
Stop motion animated series for precocious pre-schoolers. Igam Ogam is amused by lots of things and wants to repeat them again and again.
Tron latha tha Igam Ogam a' faicinn 's a' deanamh rudan a tha i a' smaointinn a tha gle eibhinn 's a tha i airson a dheanamh a-rithist is a-rithist. Ge-ta, chan eil na cleasan seo daonnan a' cordadh ri cach 's chan eil iad deonach an geam aice a chluich. Ro dheireadh an latha tha Igam Ogam fhein ag ionnsachadh nach eil e daonan sporsail a bhith deanamh rudan a-rithist is a rithist.
Stop motion animated series for precocious pre-schoolers learning to walk, talk and explore their world for the first time.
Igam Ogam is amused by lots of things and wants to repeat them again and again. However, this is usually at the expense of her friends and they are not always willing to indulge her. By the end of the day Igam Ogam will also learn that doing things over and over again is not always fun.