Episode 19
An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹.
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Laghan bioethigeach san Fhraing
Air feadh an t-saoghail tha barrachd 's barrachd de bhoireanaich a' reothadh nan uighean aca son an cothrom a thoirt dhaibh clann a bhith aca nas fhaide air adhart nam beatha. Ach chan eil seo ceadaichte sa Fhrainge. Tha seo agus iomadh rud eile air connspaid adhbharachadh agus Riaghaltas na Frainge a' deasbad an-drà sta air am bu chòir dhaibh crathadh a thoirt air na laghan teann bioethigeach aca.
Bioethical laws in France
An increasing number of women around the world freeze their eggs to give them the chance to have children later in life. However, this is not allowed in France. There has been controversy about this and related issues, with the French government now debating whether France's strict bioethical laws need to be changed.
Bosnianaich san Ã’laind
Às dèidh Cogadh nam Balkan, ghluais còrr is deich thar fhichead mìle neach à Bosnia dhan Òlaind – a' chuid mhòr aca Muslamaich. A-nis, tha riaghaltas na dùthcha a' tabhann buannachdan ionmhasail mòra, ma thèid na daoine sin air ais a Bhosnia. Gheibh gach neach a tha os cionn dà fhichead 's a còig bliadhn' a dh'aois faisg air còig cheud Euro gach mìos airson a' chòrr dham beatha, agus airgead airson siubhal air ais. A-rèir an riaghaltais, tha seo air sgà th 's nach do mheasgaich iad ann an cultar na dùthcha, rud nach eil mòran de na Bosnianaich a' gabhail ris. Ach an tèid iad air ais? Ged a tha mòran airson sin a dhèanamh, tha feadhainn a' faireachdainn gu bheil iomadachadh dùbhlan mun coinneamh.
Bosnians in the Netherlands
After the Balkan War, more than thirty thousand people moved from Bosnia to the Netherlands – most of them Muslims. Now, the Dutch government is offering large financial rewards to those people, should they choose to return to Bosnia. Each person over the age of 45 will receive almost five hundred Euros every month for the rest of their lives, and also some travelling expenses. According to the government, this is due to the fact Bosnians did not integrate into Dutch culture, something with which many Bosnians disagree. But will they return to Bosnia? Despite the fact that many want to, some feel that there are many challenges ahead.
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Hedda Macleod |
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Gaelic current affairs reporting on political, social and cultural issues across Europe