Mark Malloch Brown, Ageing Well, Peter Harris, Norwegian Wood
Presented by Anne McElvoy. With Mark Malloch Brown on his new book, a debate on 'ageing well', South African lawyer Peter Harris, and the film of Haruki Murakami's Norwegian Wood.
Mark Malloch Brown talks to Anne McElvoy about his book 'The Unfinished Global Revolution , The Limits of Nations and The Pursuit of a New Politics.' Are national governments no longer equipped to address complex global issues, and if so how long until international organizations are empowered enough to step into the gap? Will such revitalized international institutions revive rather than replace national governments?
Mark Malloch Brown 's experience on the ground in places as varied as Cambodia , Darfur and UN headquarters in Washington gives him a unique perspective.
Also, a discussion of ageing. Anne McElvoy asks if we should all learn how to 'age well', since demographics indicate we will face a new set of challenges and responsibilities in dealing with increased life-expectancy. Joining Anne are the psychoanalyst Marie de Hennezel, author of a guide-book to ageing The Warmth of The Heart Pevents Your Body from Rusting, journalist Catherine Mayer, and the anthropologist Kit Davis. Should we start to see ageing an art that we have a responsibility to master?
Anne talks to veteren lawyer Peter Harris about defending ANC assassination squads during Apartheid. And whether you can maintain a sense of justice and law in a system corrupted by politics.
And we review the film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's novel Norwegian Wood, which twenty four years ago helped make it's author a star. The novel is adored by fans, has sold ten million copies in Japan and been translated into 33 languages. A cult coming of age story, the film is the first of Murakami's novels to make it to the big screen and has a soundtrack by Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood.