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Personal and formal writing for age 7-9. Ruairidh looks into where electricity comes from and writes an article which will explain this to others.
Taic le sgr矛obhadh do sgoilearan aois 7-9.
Tha an oifis aig Ioma-rud gun chumhachd dealain agus tha iad uile a' tuigsinn cho 猫iseil is a tha e. Tha aig Ruairidh ri dearbhadh co 脿s a tha e a' tighinn agus ciamar a thathar ga chruthachadh agus aithisg a sgr矛obhadh airson Ioma-rud.
Personal and formal writing for age 7-9.
After a power cut in the office, the team realise the importance of electricity. Ruairidh is asked to find out where electricity comes from and how it is generated and write an article which will explain this to others.