Series following the work of probate researchers. The team search for relatives of a Jarrow march veteran and a master mariner who was lost at sea during the first world war.
Once again the Heir Hunters attempt to link people with money they stand to inherit from long-forgotten relations.
When the heir hunters look into the estate of Vera Simpson they discover her grandfather was involved in the famous Jarrow march of 1936 in which disgruntled shipbuilders marched 300 miles to London to protest against unemployment.
Arthur Webbe passed away over 20 years ago and his estate has remained unclaimed ever since. Arthur was from a proud sea faring family. His grandfather had travelled to the Caribbean and his father was a master mariner who was tragically lost at sea during the First World War.
Plus, details of three unsolved cases. Could you be an heir to an unclaimed estate worth thousands or even millions of pounds?