Fuirich Ort (Not Now)
Cuilean wants to play with Igam Ogam but unfortunately for him she has things to do that she considers to be more important.
Tha Cuilean airson 's gun cluich Igam Ogam c貌mhla ris ach gu mi-fhortanach tha rudan eile aig Igam Ogam ri dh猫anamh a tha i smaointinn a tha nas cudromaiche no nas sp貌rsail. Chan eil Cuilean deonach feitheamh ge-t脿 's tha e falbh air chuairt le Igam Ogam, ga slaodadh air feadh an 脿ite, a' cur a h-uile rud bun os cionn. Feumaidh Igam Ogam plana a chur an gn矛omh a chumas Cuilean air a dh貌igh fad 's a tha i fh猫in a' d猫anamh rudan eile.
Cuilean wants to play with Igam Ogam but unfortunately for him she has things to do that she considers to be more important than taking him for a walk. Cuilean won't take no for an answer and takes off on his walk, dragging Igam Ogam behind him and causing chaos as they go. Igam Ogam must devise a plan to keep Cuilean amused if she is to get anything done.