Tha Maeva agus Eteroa a' tilleadh gu far an do rugadh iad. Siblings Maeva and Eteroa return to the remote island of their birth.
Tha Maeva agus Eteroa 23 agus 20 bliadhna a dh' aois. 'S e br脿thair agus piuthar a th' annta a rugadh air eilean iomallach Rurutu ann an cridhe a' Chuain Sh猫imh agus a chaidh an uchd-mhacachadh le c脿raid Frangach aig fh矛or thoiseach am beatha. Mar sin dh' fh脿s iad suas fada air falbh bhon dachaigh. A-nis, tha iad airson faighinn a-mach c貌 as a th脿inig iad, ionnsachadh mun dualchas aca agus an t-eilean anns an do rugadh iad fhaicinn. Le miann airson t矛r am breith a lorg, tha iad a' dol air turas a tha gan toirt t貌rr nas fhaide na bha iad an d霉il.
Maeva and Eteroa are aged 23 and 20. Brother and sister by blood, they were born on the remote island of Rurutu in the heart of the Pacific, and were adopted by a French couple at the very beginning of their lives. Thus they grew up far away from home. Now they want to know their origin and their culture, discover the island where they came into the world. This quest to discover their native land sees them embark on a journey that will lead them much farther than they had imagined.
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Maeva agus Eteroa
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Air ais gu Rurutu (Native Land - Back to Rurutu)
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