Bheil Thu Diogalach? (Are You Ticklish?)
Igam Ogam spends the day tormenting her friends by tickling them in order to get her own way. Rolag decides to get his revenge.
Tha Igam Ogam a' cur seachad an latha a diogladh a caraidean airson 's gum faigh i a toil fh猫in a dh猫anamh. Tha i a' cumail a-mach nach eil i fh猫in diogailteach idir idir ach 's ann a tha i a teicheadh ma mhaoidheas duine a leithid a dh猫anamh orra. Ach 's ann a tha Rolag a' toirt orra aideachadh gu bheil i f矛or dhiogailteach nuair a chuireas e am bratach beag s矛os an druim aice.
Igam Ogam spends the day tormenting her friends by tickling them in order to get her own way. Igam Ogam claims that she is not ticklish but runs away and hides if any of her friends threaten to tickle her back. Rolag finally gets revenge when he drops Bratag Beag down Igam Ogam's back, forcing her to admit that she is indeed very ticklish.
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