Francis Fukuyama, Vidal Sassoon, Robert Appelbaum
Presented by Philip Dodd. With Francis Fukuyama on the emergence of the world's political institutions, Vidal Sassoon on growing up in East End London, and Robert Appelbaum.
Philip Dodd talks to the American thinker Francis Fukuyama, most famous for his bestselling book: The End of History and the Last Man. Now he has written a sweeping history of the emergence of the world's political institutions. He maps the move from tribalism through the growth of the first modern state in China to the development of the rule of law in India, political accountability in Europe to the eve of the French Revolution.
As a film is released about Vidal Sassoon's life, he talks to Philip Dodd about growing up as a Jew in East London in the 1930s, his life as the iconic hairdresser of the 1960s and his later work.
And Robert Appelbaum, author of Dishing It Out, explains why the boom in dining out has spawned a new breed of human being - homo restauranticus.