Animation series about a camel and his unlucky genie. Diego wishes to be hired as Rita's bodyguard, and a kit filled with all the tools of the trade falls from the sky.
A chilled-out camel called Diego finds a soft drink can in the desert, opens it and out pops Ziggy the genie. He fulfils two out of three wishes for Diego, but then sand gets into the can and mucks up the magic, making all of the new wishes fail. Follow the wacky and madcap adventures of Diego and his friends as Ziggy keeps trying to fulfil a third wish so he may be free from his can.
Rita announces that she's actively looking for a bodyguard. So Diego wishes to be hired as Rita's personal bodyguard. A bodyguard kit falls from the sky, containing sunglasses, an earpiece and inflatable muscles. Now all Diego needs to do is to convince Rita.