B脿ta Bidhe gun Bhlas
Children's series. When their new venture, a floating restaurant, gets caught in a mass of floating seaweed, Sandy and Se貌ras look as if they may be in trouble.
Tha am b脿ta-teasairginn d脿na, Lucas, de貌nach gabhail ri d霉bhlan sam bith. Fhad 's a tha Lucas 's an sgiobair aice, Alasdair, trang a' d矛on nan cuantan, tha muinntir a bhaile iad fh猫in trang - le sp貌rs 's mire gu le貌r!
Th Sandy 's Se貌ras ann an cunnart turas eile nuair a thig am bata-bidhe aca an s脿s ann an bad feamainn. Ge-t脿, le cuideachadh bho Lucas agus le d貌igh annasach cuidhteas fhaighinn den fheamainn, tha an dithis charach seo a' tighinn 脿s sl脿n s脿bhailte!
For the daring and brave young lifeboat Lucas there's no job too daunting. And while Lucas and coxswain Alasdair are busy protecting the seas, the other residents of the town find plenty of adventures of their own.
When their new venture, a floating restaurant, gets caught in a mass of floating seaweed, Sandy and Se貌ras look as if they may be in trouble. However, with some help from Lucas and an ingenious use of the seaweed, the pair escape once again!