Na Maoir 脵ra
Two new alien recruits arrive and quickly befriend Chris and Cathy, leaving Danny and Sam feeling jealous. Meanwhile, Cathy has her 700th birthday party.
Tr矛 deugairean a' tha a sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadhbho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair.
Tha d脿 eilthireach 霉r air tighinn a Bhaile Shimidh 's that iad fh猫in, Chris 's Cathy a' f脿s gu math c脿irdeil. Cuideachd, 's e co-latha breith Chathy a th' ann 's tha a Seanair a' cuir air d貌igh partaidh mh貌r. Ge-t脿, tha an 脿bhachdas ann an cunnart nuair a thuigeas Danny 's Sam gu bheil na 'caraidean' 霉r aca airson an t-ait' acasan a ghabhail san MBC. An tuig Chris 's Cathy am plan seo ann an 脿m?
Three teens battle alien invaders with the help of an alien girl and her grandfather.
Two new alien recruits arrive and quickly befriend Chris and Cathy, leaving Danny and Sam jealous. Meanwhile, it's Cathy's 700th birthday and the other MBC members and the new recruits learn that her grandfather is throwing her a surprise party. However, the celebrations are upset when Danny and Sam realise that the recruits are attempting to replace them. Will Chris and Cathy realise the truth before it's too late?