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Sgeulachdan Laghairt
Episode 8 of 26
While at the gym hall, the MBC are shocked when their basketball turns into an alien - a reptilian Morpher.
Tha na Maoir Bacaidh a' tighinn an aghaidh eilthireach sn脿igeach a bha ga fhalach fh猫in ann an cruth ball-basgaid. Ga sh脿baid, tha iad a faighinn buaidh 's ga ghlacadh. Ge-t脿, tha an t-eilthireach a' faighinn mu sgaoil a-rithist 's e a cleachdadh bodhaig Dhanaidh airson e fh猫in a chleith.
While at the gym hall, the MBC are shocked when their basketball turns into an alien - a Reptilian Morpher, who they manage to bust and vacuvade. Afterwards in the clubhouse, while Danny is attempting to send the captured alien to the Galactic Authorities, the Reptilian manages to free himself and switch bodies with Danny.
Last on
Fri 5 Aug 2011