Losgainn Ann Am F脿nas
When Sam and Cathy win a spaceship, they don't realise it's a trap set by Herptilius, who has returned from galactic prison and is seeking revenge on the MBC.
Tha Herptilius air faighinn 脿s a' phr矛osan ghalactaigeach 's tha e airson d矛oghaltas a dh猫anamh air muinntir an MBC. Air ais air talamh, tha Sam 's Cathy a faighinn naidheachd gu bheil iad air soitheach-speur a bhuannachadh ach, gun fhios dhaibh 's e th' anns an t-soitheach ach d貌igh dha Herptilius an glacadh. Tha Sam, Chris, Danny 's E貌in a' togail orra dha na h-iarmailtean san t-soitheach ach chan eil iad a' faighinn ro fhada mus tig an cur an greim. Chan eil ach aon d貌igh aca faighinn air ais gu talamh: toirt air Jeremy an soitheach a' sti霉ireadh dhaibh 's e den bheachd gur ann a cluich geama coimpiutair a tha e.
Herptilius returns from galactic prison and seeks out the MBC for revenge. Back at the clubhouse, Sam and Cathy discover that they have won a spaceship!. But unbeknown to them, the spaceship is actually a trap set by Herptilius. Sam, Chris, Danny and John launch into outer-space but the spaceship is intercepted by Herptilius, and they are all held captive. The only person who can help them is Jeremy who believes that he is playing a video games as he tries to control the ship and bring them back to earth safely.