An Ceanthrar Ainmeil - P脿irt 1
When the MBC are forced to battle an alien in front of Mata and his friends, their secret is revealed and they become instant celebrities!
Tha an MBC gam faighinn fh猫in ann an suidheachadh far am feum iad eilthireach a sh脿baid air beulaibh Mata 's a charaidean. Tha cuideigin gan cl脿radh 's mar thoradh tha iad a' f脿s ainmeil.
Ged a tha an cli霉 a c貌rdadh riutha fh猫in, chan eil an Comanndair a cheart cho toilichte 's tha e a' cur stad air an obair aca 's a toirt air Cathaidh 's Mgr Greum tilleadh a Rapsodia.
Airson am faighinn air ais agus an MBC a sh脿bhaladh, feumaidh iad a dhol air ais chun an 脿m far an deach a h-uile rud bun os cionn 's cuisean atharrachadh.
When the MBC are forced to battle an alien in front of Mata and his friends, their secret is revealed and they find themselves becoming instant celebrities in and around school.
Although they enjoy their new found fame, the commander is not quite so pleased that their secret is out and decides to shut down the MBC, ordering Cathaidh and Mgr Greum to return to Rhapsodia.
The only way to get them back and save the future of the MBC is to travel back in time and change the events that lead to them being discovered.