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Saoghal na Surma (Black Samurai)

Episode 16 of 35

Following a recent famine, Surma land has been infiltrated by hundreds of their enemies, the Bumis, and war is about to break out.

Bho chionn ghoirid air sgàth dìth bidhe, tha nàimhdean nan Surma, na Bumis air glusad a-steach dhan tìr acasan nan ceudan. Tha iad a' feuchainn ri talamh ùr fhaighinn ann an droch dhòighean, a' ciallachadh nach urrainn dhan Surma càil a dhèanamh ach an talamh aca fhèin a dhìon. Tha cogadh air fàire agus tha rìgh nan Surma ag iarraidh Donga. 'S e sabaid le pìosan maide fada a th' ann an Donga far am feumar fuil fhaicinn. Tha e a' cuideachadh na buidhne a dhèanamh làidir agus a' cruthachadh daoine ùr a nì sabaid dhaibh airson blàran a tha ri thighinn.

Recently, because of a terrible famine, the Surma land has been infiltrated by hundreds of their lifelong enemies, the Bumis. They are aggressively seeking new territory, leaving the Surma no choice but to physically defend their land. War is about to break out, and the Surma King decides to call for a Donga. The Donga is a dual with long sticks during which blood must be shed. It helps to unify the clan and supply a contingent of new fighters for the upcoming battles.

50 minutes
