Bean Na Bainnse a' Tighinn
An alien from Numbare called Mimi decides that she wants to marry Mr Fuster and is not pleased when the MBC try and save their teacher from his fate.
Tha eilthireach 脿 Numbarianach, air a bheil Mimi, airson Mgr Fuster a ph貌sadh 's chan eil i idir, idir toilichte gu bheil an MBC a' feuchainn ri stad a chur orra.
Tha an MBC a' cur air d貌igh banais mheallta mar dh貌igh Mimi a ghlacadh ach tha trioblaid nas motha a' feitheamh orra 's e tighinn am follais gu bheil Mgr Fuster nas e貌laiche air Numbare na bha duine aca an d霉il.
An alien from Numbare called Mimi decides that she wants to marry Mr Fuster and is not at all pleased when the MBC try and save their teacher from his fate.
They attempt to catch Mimi by organising a fake wedding but they are in for a bigger shock when Mr Fuster shows them that he knows quite a lot about Numbare and those who live there.