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Ralaidh Chaluim/Calum's Rally

Rally Driving is a fast and dangerous sport, but for Calum George Buchanan from the Western Isles, it's in his blood.

Gach bliadhna bho mheadhan a' Ghearrain, gun D脿mhair, tha coilltean s矛theil na h-Alba air an crathadh le fuaim ch脿raichean ralaidh, 's iad a' dol aig peilear am beatha tron 脿rainneachd 脿lainn seo. Dr脿ibheadh ralaidh - sp貌rs, luath, chunnartach, ach le tarraing a tha dha-r矛ribh ga do ghlagadh, 's m貌ran ga leantainn.

Tha e san fhuil aig Calum George Bochanan, dr脿ibhear 脿s na h-eileanan an Iar, agus thar sia bliadhna deug tha e air an 矛re as 脿irde dhen sp貌rs a ruighinn na chlas fh猫in.

Leanaidh sinn e tron iomairt aige, 's e a' siubhal fad is farsaing tron d霉thaich, 's d猫anamh a dh矛cheall aon uair eile. As d猫idh dha an clas aige a bhuannachadh an-uiridh chan eil teagamh ann nach eil d霉bhlan roimhe. Ach chan eil an rathad r猫idh! Ged a tha Calum George a' fuireach agus ag obair ann an Le貌dhas, tha a ch脿r st猫idhichte ann an Cill Mhe脿rnaig, agus 's iomadh n矛 a dh'
fhaodas a dhol an aghaidh gach dr脿ibheir air an t-slighe gu duais na bliadhna-sa!

Every year from the middle of February through to October, the peace of Scotland's tranquil forests is shattered by the roar of powerful rally cars as they tear through the forest tracks. Rally driving - a fast and dangerous sport, but also an exciting and addictive one, which is followed by many.

Calum George Buchanan, from the Western Isles, lives and breathes it - it's in his blood. In a career spanning 16 years he's reached the very top of the sport in his chosen class.

We follow him through the season, as he travels the length and breadth of the country to prove his mettle once again. Having won his class last year the stakes are high! As well as overcoming the challenge of living and working in Lewis, with his car based in Ayrshire, there are also plenty of thrills and spill along the way!

1 hour
