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Episode 3

An t-seachdain a-rithist, tha sgioba ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air na sgeulachdan as inntinniche bho air feadh na Roinn ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹.

Reporting on the most interesting stories from around Europe.

30 minutes

Tinneas an t-siucair ann an Alba

Tinneas an t-siucair ann an Alba

Tha rannsachadh ùr air nochdadh gu bheil an àireamh de dhaoine le tinneas an t-sùicair ann an Alba air a dhol am meud. Anns na h-Eileanan an Iar tha an àireamh de dhaoine le seòrsa a dhà den tinneas gun fhiosda dhaibh barrachd air dà uiread an àireamh nàiseanta. Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' rannsachadh dè a tha ag adhbharachadh na h-àireamhan agus de na ceumanan a tha na seirbheisean slàinte a' gabhail gus dèiligeadh riutha.

Diabetes rates in Scotland

Diabetes rates in Scotland

Recent research has shown that the number of people with diabetes in Scotland is on the increase. The Western Isles have the highest number of people with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes - more than double the national average. ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ investigates the reasons behind theses statistics and what the health services are doing to tackle the problem.

Croatia agus an EU

Croatia agus an EU
Tha a h-uile dùil gu faigh Croatia ballrachd gu foirmeil san Aonadh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch mu dheireadh na h-ath bhliadhna. An ceann-uidhe a tha diofar riaghaltasan air a bhith ag obair thuige fad bhliadhnaichean - latha ùr, a' cuir na duilgheadasan a lean bho chogadh Iùgo-Slàbhia bhuapa. Tha feadhainn a' coimhead air adhart ri margaidean malairt ùra, is inbhe gun teagamh ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ch dhan dùthaich.

Ged-tà, tha na cunntasan bheachd air a bhith sealltainn gu bheil an àireamh de dhaoine a tha airson ballrachd san EU a' gluasad suas is sìos bho mu thrì-fichead sa deich as a' cheud air a shon, gu nas lugha na deich air fhichead. Chaidh Darren Linc a Chroatia airson faighneachd carson.

Croatia and the EU

Croatia and the EU
Croatia looks set to become an EU member state around the end of next year. This marks the end of a long road of reforms and concessions by successive administrations, aimed at forging a new place for Croatia in Europe, and putting the troubles of the Yugoslavian war behind them. Many look forward to accessing new markets, and to gaining a truly European identity for Croatia.

However, opinion polls have shown that support for EU accession has hovered between 70% and less than 30% in favour. Darren Laing visits Croatia to find out why.

Cala connspaideach ann an Innis Tìle

Cala connspaideach ann an Innis Tìle

Slighe aiseig air a ghearradh bho faisg air trì uairean a thìde gu leth-uair – rud a dh'iarradh mòran 's cinnteach, ach chan ann mar sin a dh'obraich cùisean do mhuinntir nan Eilean Westman, far chosta Innis Tìle. Chaidh cala ùr a thogail airson an eilean a fhrithealadh, ach cha deach aca air a chumail fosgailte tric thairis air a' gheamhradh ri linn droch thìde agus gluasadan gainmhich. Ach as t-samhradh tha e air obrachadh gu math, agus tòrr a bharrachd dhaoine a' tadhal air an eilean. Tha mòran eileanaich a' ceasnachadh an e co-dhùnadh ceart an cala a' steidheachadh san àite sin, agus iadsan a' rabhadh fiù 's mus deach a thogail nach robh an làrach freagarrach. 'S e a' cheist a-nis, dè thachras sa gheamhradh?

Controversial harbour in Iceland

Controversial harbour in Iceland

The ferry journey cut from nearly three hours to half an hour – something many would wish for surely, but it didn't quite work out like that for the residents of the Westman Islands off the Icelandic coast. A new harbour was built to link to the islands, but bad weather, and sedimentary movements meant that the harbour was unable to open during a large proportion of the winter months. However, in the summer it has been a major success, bringing many more visitors to the islands. Many islanders question the decision to locate the new harbour where it is, saying that they warned before it was built that the location wasn't suitable. Now the question is how successful the harbour will be this winter.


Role Contributor
Producer Hedda Macleod


´óÏó´«Ã½ Naidheachdan

´óÏó´«Ã½ Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC
