The Life Scientific Episodes Episode guide
Tamsin Mather on what volcanic plumes reveal about our planet
Tamsin Mather explains what volcanic plumes tell us about our planet, past and present.
Tim O'Brien on transient stars and science and music festivals
Jim Al-Khalili talks transient stars and music festivals with Tim O'Brien of Jodrell Bank.
Ottoline Leyser on how plants decide what to do
Ottoline Leyser talks to Jim Al-Khalili about how plants decide to grow the way they do.
Fay Dowker on a new theory of space-time
Fay Dowker and Jim Al-Khalili discuss the texture of space-time.
Ann Clarke on The Frozen Ark
Jim Al-Khalili talks to Dr Ann Clarke about preserving global animal DNA in The Frozen Ark
Graham MacGregor on tackling the demons in our diet
Jim Al-Khalili talks to Prof Graham MacGregor about his remarkable war on sugar and salt.
Liz Sockett on friendly killer bacteria
Jim Al-khalili talks to Professor Liz Sockett about the evil genius of predatory bacteria.
Nick Fraser on Triassic reptiles
Nick Fraser tells Jim Al-Khalili about some extraordinary fossil finds.
Daniel Dennett on the evolution of the human brain
Daniel Dennett talks to Jim Al-Khalili about the evolution of the human brain.
Alison Woollard on what she has learnt from mutant worms
Geneticist Alison Wollard explains her enthusiasm for a tiny nematode worm.
Alan Winfield on robot ethics
Alan Winfield talks to Jim Al-Khalili about the ethics of robots, from drones to androids.
Simon Wessely on unexplained medical syndromes
Simon Wessely on medically unexplained symptoms and syndromes.
Sean Carroll on how time and space began
Sean Carroll tells Jim why he abandoned Einstein for quantum entanglement.
Alison Smith on algae
Professor Alison Smith talks to Jim Al-Khalili about the many and varied uses of algae.
Sadaf Farooqi on what makes us fat
Sadaf Farooqi describes how she found ten rare genetic disorders that cause obesity.
Jan Zalasiewicz on the Age of Man
Geologist Jan Zalasiewicz talks to Jim Al-Khalili about the Anthropocene, the Age of Man.
Michele Dougherty on Saturn
Michele Dougherty tells Jim Al-Khalili why she diverted the Cassini mission to Saturn.
Neil de Grasse Tyson on Pluto
US science superstar, Neil de Grasse Tyson describes why Pluto isn't a planet.
Richard Morris on how we know where we are
Neuroscientist Richard Morris explains how brain cells remember.
Julia Higgins on polymers
Professor Dame Julia Higgins shares her passion for polymers with Jim Al-Khalili.
Roger Penrose on black holes
Sir Roger Penrose talks to Jim Al-Khalili about black holes and flaws in quantum physics.
Lynne Boddy on Fungi
Lynne Boddy enthuses about fungi.
Ian Wilmut on Dolly the sheep
Jim Al-Khalili talks cloning with the creator of Dolly the sheep, Ian Wilmut.
Frans de Waal on chimpanzees
Frans de Waal tells Jim Al-Khalili why we should expect chimpanzees to be clever.
Trevor Cox on sound
Acoustic engineer Trevor Cox discusses the science of sound with Jim Al-Khalili.
Georgina Mace on threatened species
Georgina Mace talks to Jim Al-Khalili about her Red List of Threatened Species.
Faraneh Vargha-Khadem on memory
Faraneh Vargha-Khadem talks to Jim Al-Khalili about how memories are made.
Hazel Rymer on volcanoes
Hazel Rymer talks volcanoes with Jim Al-Khalili.
Nick Davies on cuckoos
The battle between cuckoos and warblers, as told by Nick Davies to Jim Al-Khalili.
Sheila Rowan on gravitational waves
Sheila Rowan talks to Jim Al-Khalili about her role in the search for gravitational waves.