R矛gh nan Dannsa
King Petalia has returned to Single Town to learn how to dance from the only person who ever taught him how - Jeremy!
Tha an Righ Petalia air air tilleadh a Bhaile Shimidh 's e airson 's gun ionnsaich Jeremy dannsa dha turas eile. Ge-t脿, tha an MBC ag ionnsachadh gur ann a tha e a s霉ghadh a bheatha 脿 Jeremy aig an aon 脿m. Tha iad cuideachd ag ionnsachadh gu bheil Petalia air a bhith gam mealladh ann an d貌ighean eile. Feumaidh iad a-nis stad a chur air mus faigh e a thoil fh猫in a dh猫anamh.
King Petalia has returned to Single Town to learn how to dance from the only person who ever taught him how - Jeremy. However, the MBC discover that Petalia is actually learning to dance by sucking Jeremy's life force from him while Jeremy believes that he is taking part in some dancing competition. They also discover that Petalia is not who he said he was and they must stop the former King in his tracks.