Episode 5
An t-seachdain air ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ tha Darren Linc a' siubhal tron Ghrèig, an dùthaich le na trioblaidean eaconomach as miosa san Eurozone. Darren Laing reports on Greece's economic woes.
An t-seachdain air ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ tha Darren Linc a' siubhal tron Ghrèig, an dùthaich le na trioblaidean eaconomach as miosa san Eurozone, a' faighneachd dè a' bhuaidh a th' aig na trioblaidean sin air muinntir na dùthcha.
This week on Eorpa Darren Laing travels through Greece, the country with the worst economic problems of the Eurozone, examining what effect these problems are having on the people of Greece.
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Staing eaconamach na Grèige, is a’ bhuaidh air muinntir na dùthcha
'S e a' Ghrèig an dùthaich le na trioblaidean eaconamach is miosa sa Eurozone, an eisimeil taic airgid eadar-nà iseanta airson nan cosgaisean is fiachan aca phà igheadh. Tha Darren Linc air siubhal bho cheann a tuath na dùthcha sìos don cheann a deas, a' coinneachadh ri diofar dhaoine is a' faighneachd dè a' bhuaidh a tha staing eaconamach na Grèige air a thoirt orrasan. Bho feadhainn a dh’fhà g na bailtean mòra airson obair fhaighinn a-muigh san dùthaich, gu à rdachadh anns na h-à ireamhan de dhaoine a tha air na dachannan aca a chall, tha caochladh de dhiofar dhòighean ann a bheil an crà dh ga fhaireachdainn.
The social effects of Greece's economic problems
Currently suffering the worst economic problems in the Eurozone, Greece is now dependent on a series of international bail-out instalments in order to service debts and keep the country running. Darren Laing has travelled from the north of the country to the south, meeting a variety of people and asking how the economic crisis is affecting them. From the people who have left the big cities to find work in the countryside, to rising numbers of homeless people, the economic and social pain is being felt in a variety of ways.
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