Episode 2
Fiona joins firefighters in Aberdeen, Murray is back on the croft putting the Isuzu Rodeo through its paces and Calum Iain joins the competitors at the Fintray Hill Climb.
Ciamar a thòisicheas tu ann an saoghal rèiseadh chà raichean? Bidh Calum Iain còmhla ri farpaisich ann an Rèis Beinne Fhionn Trà igh gus faicinn ciamar a tha iadsan a' tòiseachadh.
Tha Murray air tilleadh air ais chun na croit 's e aig na caoraich, agus tha e a' toirt beachd air an Isuzu Rodeo - ach a bheil an Rodeo math gu leòr airson na tha dhìth air Murray?
Tha Fiona air aoigheachd aig Buidheann Smà laidh Roinn a' Mhonaidh 's tha i a' dol còmhla riutha air srà idean thrang Obar Dheathain. Tha iad ag innse dhi dè dh'fheumar dèanamh gus a dhol tro thrafaig agus gheibh i fios air dè bu chòir dhuinn uile a bhith a' dèanamh nuair a chluinneas sinn glac an èinnsean-smà laidh agus na solais ghorma a' briobadh.
Agus bidh an sgioba air ais airson cuairt eile de Wacky Races - dè an rud èibhinn a dh'fheumas iad dèanamh an t-seachdain seo?
How do you get started in motorsport? Calum Iain joins the competitors at Fintray Hill Climb to find out.
Murray's gone back to the day job looking after the sheep on the croft, and he's putting the Isuzu Rodeo pickup through its paces - but is it tough enough for the task?
Fiona is a guest of Grampian Fire Brigade as she joins them on a blues and twos exercise through the busy streets of Aberdeen. She gets some tips on how to manoeuvre through heavy traffic and finds out what you should do as a driver when you hear that siren and see the blue lights flashing.
Plus the team are back on the track for another round of Wacky Races - what daft stunt have they been given this week?
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Iain Mackenzie |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
Presenter | Fiona MacKenzie |
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