Episode 5
The lionesses give the male lion at Blair Drummond Safari Park a hard time and vet Colin Scott gets called in to check things out. Iain MacLean tends to a sickly calf in Wick.
Tha le貌mhann fireann a teich bho'n fheadhainn bhoireann aig P脿irc Safari Bl脿r Druiminn agus b'fheudar a bheat Cailean Scott a thoirt steach. Aig Taigh Ardene faisg air Obar Dheathain, tha s脿r-eolaiche Richard Coe a' tadhal a dh'fhaicinn d脿 ch霉, agus ciamar a theid c霉isean fo ch霉ram lighiche spr猫idh Iain MacIlleathain ann an Inbhir Uige le laogh a rugadh tr矛 l脿ithean air ais. Saoghal iongantach lighiche-spr猫idh.
The wonderful world of Scottish vets. The lionesses give the male lion at Blair Drummond Safari Park a hard time and vet Colin Scott gets called in to check things out. At Ardene House near Aberdeen, specialist vet Richard Coe visits to look at some pet dogs and Iain MacLean tends to a sickly three-day-old calf in Wick.