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The city's entire super villain population winds up behind bars and Bholtar's horrible sticky shampoo creates havoc.
Tha a h-uile eucorach eile sa bhaile glacte sa phr矛osan. Tha e a-nis an urra ri Bholtar, an aon eucorach a tha fhathast saor, a h-uile duine fhaighinn a-mach. Tha Bholtar air siamp霉 f矛or stigeach a chruthachadh. Ge-t脿, tha an stuth grod a' t脿ladh na m矛ltean de dhaolagan 's feumaidh Bholtar aghaidh a thoirt orra mu tha am plana aige gus soirbheachadh.
When the city's entire super villain population winds up behind bars it's up to the last villain standing, Bholtar, to set them free. Also, Bholtar's horrible sticky shampoo creates havoc when an army of hungry ants set their antennae on the sweet stuff.
Last on
Sat 16 Jan 2016