Balaich Bhatarsaigh @ Na Barrowlands
Scotland's number one party band, The Vatersay Boys, play their annual Glasgow Barrowland gig mixing their unique blend of ceilidh and traditional music.
Cluichidh pr矛omh ch貌mhlan-ci霉il ceilidh na Vatersay Boys an cuirm bhliadhnail aca aig Barrowlands Ghlaschu, le measgachadh de che貌l ceilidh agus ce貌l traidiseanta. Sa phr貌gram sh貌nraichte seo, tha sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 gu le貌r, agus ch矛 sinn luchd-leanntain a ch貌mhlain a' gabhail a' chaothaich air an urlar.
Scotland's number one party band, The Vatersay Boys, play their annual Glasgow Barrowland gig mixing their unique blend of ceilidh and traditional music. This one-hour concert special captures the madness and mayhem as the Vatersay Boy fans let their hair down and put on their dancing shoes.
Last on
Tha na balaich ann an sunnd aig na Barrowlands
Duration: 00:57