Episode 1
An Ribheid Chi霉il/Reed Music tells the amazing story of the instrument and its players, an introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes.
Tha fuaim na p矛oba aithnichte dhuinn uile, agus gu dearbha b' i a' ph矛ob aon de na ionnsramaidean ci霉il as tr脿ithe a bh'ann. Anns an t-sreath 霉r, inntinneach seo - An Ribheid Chi霉il / Reed Music - gheibh sinn a-mach mun ionnsramaid fh猫in, agus cluinnidh sinn an iomadh sgeul sh貌nraichte bho na daoine a bhios ga cluich. Sgeulachdan tarraingeach, iomadh-fhillte, eadar-n脿iseanta bho air
feadh an t-saoghail.
Ionnsaichidh sinn cuideachd mun t-saoghal sa bheil a' ph矛ob be貌 - mar a bha is mar a tha. Bho ch貌mhlain ph矛obairean, p矛oba air a cluich leatha fh猫in agus c貌mhlain aig f猫isean.
Anns a' chiad phr貌gram, seallaidh sinn air na p矛oban as tr脿ithe a bh' ann, a thathar an d霉il a tha a' dol air ais gun 8mh linn deug. Air an d猫anamh a-mach 脿 cuilc, bha iad gu math cumanta ann an Iraq agus Iran. Cluinnear cuideachd mu mar a th貌isich cuid de sh脿r chluicheadairean an t-saoghail, agus mar a nochd an dl霉th cheangal le Alba. Air a l矛bhrigeadh leis a' ph矛obaire, Anna Mhoireach.
The pipes are one of the music world's most distinctive sounds and piping is one of its earliest musical forms. This series tells the amazing story of the instrument and its players, and is a fascinating introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. From diffusion, change and sophistication in the world of piping over history, to today's players who have taken piping into new popularity throughout the world.
The first programme in the series looks at the earliest pipes, probably dating from as early as the 8th century which were made out of reed and commonplace in Iraq and Iran. Some of the world's foremost pipers also tell how they started playing the pipes, and we hear how the instrument became so strongly associated with Scotland. Presented by piper Anna Murray.
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