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Episode 5

The amazing story of the pipes and an introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the instrument and its players. Presented by Anna Murray.

Tha fuaim na pìoba aithnichte dhuinn uile, agus gu dearbha b' i a' phìob aon de na ionnsramaidean ciùil as tràithe a bh'ann. Anns an t-sreath ùr, inntinneach seo - An Ribheid Chiùil/Reed Music - gheibh sinn a-mach mun ionnsramaid fhèin, agus cluinnidh sinn an iomadh sgeul shònraichte bho na daoine a bhios ga cluich. Sgeulachdan tarraingeach, iomadh-fhillte, eadar-nàiseanta bho air
feadh an t-saoghail.

Ionnsaichidh sinn cuideachd mun t-saoghal sa bheil a' phìob beò - mar a bha is mar a tha. Bho chòmhlain phìobairean, pìoba air a cluich leatha fhèin agus còmhlain aig fèisean.

Tha an còigeamh prògram anns an t-sreath a' coimhead ri saoghal nam farpaisean pìobaireachd le sealladh air farpais chliùiteach Glenfiddich a bhios a' gabhail àite a h-uile bliadhna aig Blair Castle ann am Baile Choichrigh. Cruinneachadh airson na cluicheadairean as fheàrr san t-saoghal de Cheòl Mòr agus Ceòl Beag. Air a libhrigeadh leis a' phìobaire Anna Mhoireach.

The amazing story of the pipes and its players, and a fascinating introduction to the international, colourful and exciting world of the pipes. From diffusion, change and sophistication in the world of piping over history, to today's players who have made piping popular again.

The fifth programme in the series delves into the world of competitive piping with unique access to the prestigious Glenfiddich competition held annually at Blair Castle, Pitlochry. A gathering for the world's best exponents of Pìobaireachd (Great Music) and Ceol Beag (Little Music). Presented by piper Anna Murray.

30 minutes
