There's a record entry of Beef Shorthorn cattle at the Perth Bull Sales next week. Out of Doors finds out why farmers are now been drawn back to hardy native breeds.
There's a record entry of Beef Shorthorn cattle at the Perth Bull Sales next week. We find out why farmers are now been drawn back to hardy native breeds.
The biggest barrier to new entrants to farming is finding land. We hear about a new scheme by the Forestry Commission involving leasing tenancies on their farms.
With rising energy costs being a major concern for many rural dwellers, we explore the concept of collective energy bargaining where communities collaborate to buy their energy wholesale from suppliers and cut costs.
How do you go about creating a new nature reserve? Euan visits the RSPB's Wood of Cree, the most southerly ancient oak woodland in Scotland near Newton Stewart.
Continuing our look at Scotland's wee hills, Mark takes a walk up Kinpurnie Hill in the Sidlaws which lie between Forfar and Perth.
Scotland is fast becoming the orienteering capital of the world. Mark has a go at street orienteering.
Plus, why we can also be a mecca for climbing.
And connecting Addis Ababa with Huntly. Ethiopian artist, Mihret Kebede has come up with idea of linking the two countries through walking and shoelaces.
Plus more on avalanche rescue and sledging with kids.