In the Pink
A documentary about Edinburgh's unique LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing which follows some of their innovative projects.
This feature profiles a unique organisation, Edinburgh's LGBT Centre for Solely for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people. Ten members of staff and dozens of volunteers provide an expanding range of services with more people about to be taken on. We follow some of their innovative projects, and discover how Scotland, through the work of this centre, is leading the world in trying to improve the health and well-being of LGBT
people. It's a community with greater than average health and well-being issues, especially in mental health.
Innovative projects we hear from include
- LGBT Age - an elderly LGBT befriending project
- A mental health improvement project funded by the Scottish Government. (LGBT people are 4 times more likely to suffer from depression and other mental health problems)
- sports programmes (including badminton, pool, swimming, running and walking groups, lesbian and gay football teams)
- healthy living classes and workshops
- separate drop in social groups for L, G, B and T people and their families
- an annual LGBT Arts Festival
- awareness training for NHS health professionals in LGBT issues
- advocacy to improve equal access to services for LGBT people
- an LGBT helpline
- police surgeries, self defence courses and a remote hate crime reporting
Funding comes from many different sources including charitable Foundations, the NHS, Scottish Executive, local Government, donations and fund-raising events. The LGBT mental health project is likely to go Scotland-wide within 3 years.
A surprising, moving and fun documentary that shows a truly inventive and world leading centre doing unique work in Scotland. Presented by Sheena McDonald.
Last on
- Mon 27 Feb 2012 14:05大象传媒 Radio Scotland
- Sat 3 Mar 2012 06:04大象传媒 Radio Scotland
- Mon 5 Mar 2012 00:02大象传媒 Radio Scotland