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Turas-Adhair/Kite Flight
Episode 6 of 52
Cheel has caught Mowgli and Lali and taken them up to his den high in the clifftops, so the others must make their way up to his lair to save their friends.
Tha Cheel air Mowgli agus Lali a ghlacadh 's air teicheadh leotha. Feumaidh na beathaichean eile faighinn suas gu uamh Cheel airson an s脿bhaladh 's faighinn a-mach d猫 d矛reach a tha fa-near dhan eun mh貌r.
Cheel has caught Mowgli and Lali and taken them up to his den high in the clifftops. The other animals must make their way up to his lair in order to save their friends and find out what exactly Cheel is up to.
Last on
Sat 2 Aug 2014