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An Leasan Iasgaich/Fished Out
Episode 12 of 52
Baloo's plans for a relaxing day's fishing with Mowgli go awry when he is knocked unconscious and falls into the water.
Tha Baloo an d貌chas latha socair a chur seachad cuide ri Mowgli ag iasgach ach tha cuisean a' dol bun os cionn nuair a thig a leigeal dhan uisge. A' falbh leid an t-sruth, feumaidh Mowgli stad a chur air mus tuit e thairis air eas mh貌r an dl霉th-choille.
Baloo's plans for a relaxing day's fishing with Mowgli go awry when he is knocked unconscious and falls into the water. Mowgli must catch the bear, who is swept downstream before he falls over the edge of the jungle waterfall.
Last on
Sat 23 Aug 2014