Episode 7
This episode visits Rothiemurchas estate and the great Caledonian forest, where Eilidh finds out which trees make the perfect windbreak in Scottish soil in exposed locations.
An turas seo gheibhear a-mach de na planntan a dh' fhaodadh a bhith nas laidire nuair a tha clann a' cluich ann an garraidhean, agus de na craobhan a 's urrainn dhuinn a chleachdadh airson fasgadh a thoirt gu garraidhean fosgailte ann an aiteachan iomallach an Alba. A thuilleadh air a seo seallaidh Calina aon teaghlach anns na Hearadh ciamar a bu choir compost heap a bhith air a dheanamh.
In this episode we visit Rothiemurchas estate and the great Caledonian forest, where Eilidh finds out which trees will make the perfect windbreak in Scottish soil in exposed locations, and Calina helps one Hearach family with a troublesome compost heap. We find out which plants can be more childproof in the garden, and Calina recycles items to use in the garden.