Drama series. Martha represents the driver of a high security prison van who is accused of causing a prisoner's death. Meanwhile Clive is struggling to get through to Fatima Ali.
Martha finds herself in a David and Goliath battle when she represents the driver of a high security prison van. When some of his prisoners escaped, Michael Ward opened the doors of his van to find another dead. With Ward and the security firm accused of causing the prisoner's death, Martha fights to make Ward stand up for himself, lest he becomes the fall guy. Chambers take on a new pupil, Daniel Lomas, who helps Martha unlock her client. Meanwhile Clive is struggling to get through to Fatima Ali, and Billy, still feeling the pressure from Micky, starts to uncover hidden truths about CW.
Last on
Martha disappointed with Billy
Duration: 01:01
Martha likes making waves
Duration: 01:07
Role | Contributor |
Director | Alice Troughton |
Director | Alice Troughton |
Writer | Debbie O'Malley |
Writer | Debbie O'Malley |
Executive Producer | Peter Moffat |
Executive Producer | Peter Moffat |
Martha Costello QC | Maxine Peake |
Clive Reader | Rupert Penry-Jones |
Billy Lamb | Neil Stuke |
Caroline Warwick QC | Frances Barber |
George Duggan | Indira Varma |
Alan Cowdrey QC | Alex Jennings |
Jake Milner | Theo Barklem-Biggs |
Daniel Lomas | Shaun Evans |
Dr Liam King | Jonathan Aris |
Alasdair McKinley QC | Ron Donachie |
Angie Lloyd | Sadie Shimmin |
Arlo Wright | Calum Callaghan |
Posh Male Candidate | Ben Lamb |