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Ernest Borgnine, Elinor Ostrom, Jeff Keen, Andy Hamilton and Lol Coxhill

Matthew Bannister on film and TV actor Ernest Borgnine, political scientist Elinor Ostrom, artist and film-maker Jeff Keen and jazz saxophonist Andy Hamilton.

Matthew Bannister on

Craggy film and tv character actor Ernest Borgnine - best known for playing baddies in a host of war and western movies..

The Nobel prize winning political scientist Elinor Ostrom, whose theories influenced policy on the management of common resources

The avant garde film maker and artist Jeff Keen

And the jazz saxophonist Andy Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who worked to improve community relations in the West Midlands.

Available now

28 minutes


  • Fri 13 Jul 2012 16:00
  • Sun 15 Jul 2012 20:30
