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Phaona Meallta/Phaona's Nasty Trick
Episode 25 of 52
Phaona is jealous of Mowgli and doesn't want him in the pack, so plays a nasty trick on him that sees Mowgli at the mercy of the evil Shere-Khan.
Chan eil Phaona airson 's gum bi Mowgli mar ph脿irt den teaghlach aca 's mar thoradh tha e a' cluich cleas suarach air a bhalach a tha ga thoirt an aghaidh a sheann n脿mhaid, an tigear olc Shere-Khan. An tig aig Mowgli air teicheadh turas eile?
Phaona is jealous of Mowgli and doesn't want him in the pack. The wolf plays a nasty trick on him that sees the man-cub at the mercy of his old enemy, the evil Sher-Khan. Can Mowgli escape and return to the pack?
Last on
Mon 6 Oct 2014