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Visually impaired people in TV ads, and charities working together

Why are more visually impaired people appearing in TV adverts? Also featuring blindness charities that are now sharing premises in Liverpool. With Peter White.

With the launch this month, of a new advert featuring a visually impaired woman, we ask is the profile of visually impaired people in television advertising on the increase. We speak to the agency who created the concept and to the visually impaired woman who appears in the ad. We also ask David Bolt of the Centre for Cultural and Disability Studies, whether it is a trend and why it is happening now.

Blindness charities RNIB, Action for Blind People and Guide Dogs for the Blind are now sharing premises in the centre of Liverpool. Reporter Ffion Miles goes along to find out how the new arrangement is working.

Produced by Lee Kumutat.

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20 minutes


  • Tue 24 Jul 2012 20:40

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