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Complaints about solicitors published online

Ofgem says energy companies are profiting from turning their wind turbines off. Plus complaints about solicitors to be published online, and pet owners struggle with fleas.

The energy regulator Ofgem says that energy companies are profiting from compensation payments. Energy companies are paid compensation when they have to turn off wind farms because the national grid is overloaded with electricity. We hear why the government thinks these profits are unfair on consumers who end up footing the bill.

The legal ombudsman is planning to put complaints about solicitors up on its website for everyone to see. But is reading complaints the best way to find out if a lawyer is any good? We hear from one senior solicitor who is advising the ombudsman to proceed with caution.

The government wants more of us to rent in future. A report from the Department of Communities will suggest that developers will no longer have to commit to build affordable homes but build homes for rental instead. The chair of London's biggest new housing development - in the Olympic Park explains why they are hoping to target families who will rent long term.

The media regulator Ofcom has decided that mobile and broadband company Everything Everywhere can start to roll out 4G - the next generation of mobile broadband technology - from September. Other operators will have to wait until the end of the year for the new spectrum to be auctioned. What can consumers do to take advantage of this new superfast broadband?

You & Yours has heard from pet owners struggling with the problem of fleas. But are fleas on the increase and could this be down to the products we use to de-flea our pets? We hear from a vet who has been tackling the problem pests.

Presented by Winifred Robinson
Produced by Olivia Skinner.

Available now

41 minutes



  • Are energy companies profiting unfairly?

    A Government report says that a change in the rules is needed to prevent energy companies profiting at the expense of their customers.

    Duration: 08:12

  • Flea Problems

    We hear from listeners who are struggling to get rid of fleas on their pets. Is there a new breed of "superflea" that it's harder to banish from the home?

    Duration: 06:50

  • The UK gets 4G

    Superfast 4G mobile broadband will be available in the UK soon but only from one mobile phone operator, Everything Everywhere. Why have they got the go ahead while their competitors have to wait?

    Duration: 04:35

  • Complaints about Solicitors

    The legal ombudsman is going to publish complaints about lawyers on its website. One senior lawyer explains why he is urging the ombudsman to proceed with caution.

    Duration: 07:28

  • Living in the Olympic Village

    The athletes' accomodation in the Olympic Village will soon be turned into housing for long term rent, its the first example of a rental development being run as a long term investment fund.

    Duration: 08:00

  • An extra pound

    British households have an extra pound to spend this month, compared to budgets a year ago. You & Yours listeners tell us what they're planning to do with the windfall.

    Duration: 03:30


  • Wed 22 Aug 2012 12:00
  • Wed 22 Aug 2012 12:04



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