Duilgheadasan cluicheadairean b脿ll-coise 貌g 脿 Afraga. The struggle of young African football players.
Dithis 脿 Afraga: Kermit 脿 Afraga a-Deas agus Ndomo 脿 Cameroon, 's iad air slighean gu math eadar-dhealaichte gus na miannan aca a choileanadh - a bhith soirbheachail ann am b脿ll-coise. Tha an sgeulachd a leanas a' foillseachadh duilgheadas d貌igh-beatha muinntir Afraga, agus mar a tha b脿ll-coise na chothrom air a bheil m貌ran a' miannachadh gr猫im fhaighinn.
Two young African men, Kermit from South Africa and Ndomo from Cameroon, each take very different paths in pursuit of their dreams: success in professional football on the world stage. The story that unfolds reveals the struggle that is life in much of Africa and demonstrates how football is a vital lifeline to which many will desperately cling to.