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An R矛gh Baloo/Baloo the King

An d猫idh tubaist le cn貌-bhainne, tha Baloo den bheachd gur e tha os cionn an dl霉th-choille. Baloo becomes convinced that he is king of the jungle.

Tha cn貌-bhainne a tuiteam 's a toirt sgleog do Baloo bochd, tubaist a tha toirt a chreidsinn air a mhathain gur e tha os cionn an dl霉th-choille. Tha am mealladh-inntinn seo ag adhbharachadh ioma trioblaid, gu h-脿raidh nuair a dh'aontaicheas Baloo a dhol a sh脿baid an aghaidh Shere-Khan.

When a coconut falls and hits Baloo on the head, the bear is left believing that he is King of the jungle. Such delusions bring about many troubles, especially when Baloo agrees to go to battle with Shere-Khan.

10 minutes

Last on

Sun 11 Jan 2015 18:05
