Tachartas an Kuarup le na Yawalapiti san Amason. The Kuarup ceremony of the Yawalapiti of the Amazon.
Airson a' chiad turas a-riamh, chaidh camarathan a thoirt do na Yawalapiti, aon de na treubhan as inntinnich san Amason ann am Brasil. Le stiùir bhon cheannard Pinakuman, rinn na daoine seo oidhirp mhòr airson dealbhan dhiubh fhèin a chlà radh airson an cultar agus an cà nan a dhìon, nach eil air a bruidhinn ach le à ireamh bheag de na seann daoine. Tha seo a' gabhail a-steach tòrr chleachdaidhean, nam measg prìomh thachartas 's a' chultar: An Kuarup.
For the first time ever cameras have been given to the Yawalapiti, one of the most fascinating tribes of the Amazon Basin in Brazil. Under the guidance of their chief Pinakuman, these indigenous people went to great lengths to record their own images and to safeguard their culture and language, now only spoken by a handful of elders. This involves numerous rites, including the central ceremony of their culture: the Kuarup.
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