Episode 6
Air an Rathad is back with a new series of top cars, top speeds and top entertainment!
'S e prògram sònraichte a th' ann le aire air Cumhachd ann an Air an Rathad na seachdain seo. Tha Murray a' drà ibheadh a' chiad chà r mhalairteach le connadh Hà idridean anns an Rìoghachd Aonaichte - Hyundai IX35. Cò ris a tha e coltach an coimeas ri cà raichean eile le cumhachd ath-nuadhachail air a' mhargaidh?
Tha an teaghlach Arnold a' dèanamh deuchainn air an Vauxhall Ampera, cà r a tha gu tur a' ruith air cumhachd an dealain - bhuannaich e Cà r na Cruinne 2012, ach dè am beachd-san air?
Tha Wacky Races cuideachd math dhan à rainneachd 's iad a' glacadh na gaoithe, agus tha an cà r a tha Cudaig air a thaghadh a' cur nar cuimhne à m nuair a bha peatroil 16 sg gach liotair - agus nuair a bha a h-uile duine ag iarraidh Ford Cortina
It's the Air an Rathad Energy Special this week, as Murray drives one of the very first commercial hydrogen fuelled cars in the UK - a Hyundai IX35. How does it compare to other renewable fuelled cars on the market?
The Arnold family put the all electric Vauxhall Ampera to the test - it's won 2012 Car of the Year, but is it to their liking?
Wacky Races also goes green as the team try to catch the wind, and Cudig's classic reminds us of the old days when petrol was 16p a litre - and the Ford Cortina was the car to be seen in!
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Iain Mackenzie |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
Presenter | Fiona MacKenzie |
Presenter | Donald Macleod |
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