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The story of Duah, the first Arab Druze woman to take part in the Miss Israel beauty competition.
Is e seo sgeulachd Duah, a chiad boireannach Arabach a riamh a thug p脿irt anns an co-fharpais b貌idhchead 'Miss Israel'. Tha i dha lorg fh猫in ann am meadhan str矛 mi-fharasta far a bheil creideamhan agus dualchas na daoine aice fh猫in a dol gu tur an aghaidh an slighe a thaghadh i airson a bheatha aice fh猫in.
The story of Duah, the first Arab Druze woman to take part in the Miss Israel beauty competition, finds herself in the middle of a complicated conflict in which the tradition and values of her society clash with her bold efforts to choose her own way in life.
Last on
Thu 24 Jan 2013
Tha teaghlach ann an trioblaid ann an Galilee
Duration: 01:40