Relive some of the stories in the headlines during 1979 through archive footage and chart hits. A referendum on whether or not to have a Scottish Assembly.
Sealladh air na sgeulachdan a bh' anns na naidheachdan ann an 1979 cuide ri taghadh de che貌l na bliadhna. Am measg na thachair: cothrom aig Albannaich bh貌tadh ann an referendum airson cumhachd a thilleadh a dh'Alba, muinntir na h-Eileanan Siar iomagaineach mu leudachadh a bh' air f脿ire aig port-adhair Ste貌rnabhaigh agus Pr矛omhaire 霉r ann am Breatainn. Am measg nan taghaidhean ci霉il tha Tragedy le The Bee Gees, London Calling le The Clash agus Message In A Bottle le The Police.
Experience some of the stories hitting the headlines in 1979 through archive footage and the year's chart hits: a referendum on whether or not to have a Scottish Assembly, concerns in the Western Isles over the proposed expansion of Stornoway Airport and a new Prime Minister for the UK. The year's chart hits include Tragedy by The Bee Gees, London Calling by The Clash and Message In A Bottle by The Police.
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Music Played
The Knack
My Sharona
The Clash
London Calling
Video Killed The Radio Star
Elvis Costello & The Attractions
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding
The Jam
Eton Rifles
The Pretenders
Brass In Pocket
Heart of Glass
Pink Floyd
Comfortably Numb
Cool For Cats
Meat Loaf
Bat Out Of Hell
Village People
Ian Dury & the Blockheads
Reasons To Be Cheerful
Role | Contributor |
Director | Annie Cheape |