Raibeart D貌mhnallach a' c貌mhradh le Iain Mac 'ille Mh矛cheil. Ce貌l agus iomradh air cuid bho thachartasan L脿 na Sroine Deirge. John Carmichael chats to guest Robert MacDonald.
C貌mhradh, craic is ce貌l math tlachdmhor - gach oidhche Haoine, le Iain Mac 'Ille Mh矛cheil. A-nochd bidh Iain a' cuir f脿ilte air Raibeart D貌mhnallach, fear de Gh脿idheil Ghlaschu. Am measg na h-amasan a th' aig Raibeart airson na bliadhnaichean a tha ri teachd; ag obair mar dhotair air an Ghaidhealtachd agus taigh a cheannach ann am Barraigh. Cluinnidh sinn barrachd mu dheidhinn sinn a-nochd agus cuideachd, measgachadh de che貌l country, sean is 霉r, stuth G脿idhlig is Ceilteach, agus na roghainnean ci霉il pearsanta aig Raibeart.
John Carmichael brings you a warm and lively wind-down listen, at the end of the week. This week John chats to Glasgow Gael, Robert MacDonald when he talks about his aims of becoming a doctor in the Highlands and also to buy a house on Barra. John plays a variety of music from traditional country and western, to some of the best contemporary singer songwriters, and allows Robert to select his 4 favourite musical tracks.
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Music Played
The Double Rise; Snug in a Blanket; Rory MacLeod; The Bee in the Knickers
- Keepin' it Reel.
- Koda Records.
- KODA CD-002.
Sheryl Crow
If I Were A Carpenter
Artist: Willie Nelson
- Anchored in Love.
- Dualtone.
- 80302-012422.
Montgomery Gentry & The Bellamy Brothers
Old Hippie
- Angels & Outlaws.
- Bellamy Brothers Records.
- CURCD-164.
Eilen Jewell Ft. Butcher Holler
You Ain't Woman Enough
- A Tribute to Loretta Lynn.
- signature Sounds Ltd.
- SIG-2030.
Jarrod Dickenson
- The Lonesome Traveler.
- NA.
Jeannie Kendall
I wonder Where You are Tonight
- O Sister 2 - A Woman's Bluegrass Collection.
- Rounder Records.
- 11661-0506-2.
Marty Stuart
I Run To You
- Ghost Train: The Studio B Sessions.
- Sugar Hill.
- SUGCD-4063.
David Ball
She Always Talked About Mexico
- Amigo.
- Dualtone.
- DUAT-1109.
Buddy Miller
Forever and a Day
Artist: Jim Lauderdale
- Buddy and Jim.
- New West Records.
- NW6268.
Iris DeMent
Mama's Oprey
- Infamous Angel.
- Warner.
- 9362-45238-2.
Lee Ann Womack
I Think I Know
- Call Me Crazy.
- Hump Head.
- HUMP-050.
Donald Black
Gaelic Medley: A Nighneag A Ghraidh/Thoir Mo Shoraidh Thar Ghunnaidh/Mo Chailin Dileas Don
- Dreams & Dances.
Blair Douglas
Am Piobaire Misgeach
Artist: Cathy Ann MacPhee Artist: Kathleen Macinnes
- Leanaidh Mi.
Blair Douglas
Barraigh Gradhach
Artist: Cathy Ann MacPhee Artist: Kathleen Macinnes
- Leanaidh Mi.
Catherine鈥怉nn MacPhee
O Teannaibh Dluth Is Togaibh Fonn
- Gaelic Women.
- CDTRAX-172.
Kathleen MacInnes
Alasdair Oig 'ic 'ic Neacail/Latha Siubhal Beinne Dhomh
- Cille Bhride.
- KMAC 001.
- Fri 15 Mar 2013 21:00大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal