Deasbad Diciadain
Deasbad Diciadain agus Pluto a' faighneachd d猫 an comhairle nas fhe脿rr no nas miosa a fhuair thu riamh? Pluto wants to know what was the best or worst advice you were ever given?
Ce貌l, sp貌rs agus fealla-dh脿 air ur slighe dhachaigh c貌mhla ri Derek Pluto Moireach. Pluto air tilleadh agus as d猫idh dha coinneachadh ri daoine 貌g aig f猫ill dhreuchdan an-d猫 agus thug seo air Pluto faighneachd d猫 an comhairle nas fhe脿rr no nas miosa a fhuair thu riamh? Cur fios thugainn air ar duilleag Facebook, post-d: pluto@bbc.co.uk no f貌n an asgaidh: 08000 967050Derek 'Pluto' Murray takes you home with the latest news & craic. After returning from a careers convention where many young people gathered Pluto wants to know what was the best or worst advice you were ever given? Get in touch via our Facebook page, e-mail: pluto@bbc.co.uk or Free phone: 08000 967050.
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- Wed 20 Mar 2013 17:30大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal
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