The Bishop's School, India
Children from the UK attend a strict school for a week. Two Bristol boys enrol at the Bishop's Boys School in Pune, India.
Charlie and Aidan, two Bristol boys who have a bad attitude to school, enrol at the Bishop's Boys School in Pune, India. Charlie thinks he knows better than his teachers, while Aidan can't see the point of education at all, so how will they fare at one of the best schools in Pune, where students are passionate about education?
Lessons haven't even started before serial rule-breaker Charlie is temporarily suspended for refusing to wear the uniform. So while Aidan takes his place alone in morning assembly, Charlie is left to decide if he wants to throw away his chance of graduating from Extreme School.
It's Aidan who eventually persuades him to toe the line, but it's not long before both boys are in trouble. The school principal decides a taste of their own medicine could be just what Charlie and Aidan need. For their end-of-week challenge, they must teach one of the school's liveliest and busiest junior classes with 54 pupils.
As the week draws on the boys start to enjoy some of the traditional Indian lessons and get a reality check when they visit the city centre and see how poverty affects less fortunate children. But will they prove they have changed enough to graduate from Extreme School and will they survive their own teaching experience?