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Planaid na Gaoithe/The Planet of Wind Part 1
The Little Prince and his trusty friend Fox find themselves in The Planet of Wind, which depends on the wind for survival.
Tha Am Prionnsa Beag agus a dheagh charaid An Sionnach gan faighinn fhein ann am Planaidh na Gaoithe. Tha am Planaid seo an urra ris a ghaoith airson a h-uile rud. Ach tha a ghaoth air sioladh sios, is tha comhstr矛 ann eadair a R矛gh agus a mhac - Tha e folleasach ris a Phrionnsa gu bheil a nathair a culaibh a miastadh seo.
The Little Prince and his trusty friend Fox find themselves in The Planet of Wind, which depends on the wind for survival. However, lately the wind has died down and there's trouble between the king and his son. It's obvious to the Little Prince that the evil snake is behind these problems.
Last on
Sat 17 Mar 2018